On the back of the card are Pearl details. You decide to make contact.
Soon, you hear a voice over the Pearlshell.
"Welcome to the Styx Agency, how may we be of service?"

The Styx Agency

What is The Styx Agency?
We're an Immersive RP group based out of Seraph (However, there's no need to join the FC to join the group) that specializes in high end Duty help. If you want to get through a minimal I-Level, no echo extreme Duty or want to raid but can't fill a group, hire the professionals to help you out!We're also available for RP Events if you need muscle or, potentially, an opposition group. We'll be sure to stir up the pot for your next event!
If you want to contact us to either hire us for a job, join the Agency or just come to hangout with a group of easy going people, come join our Discord Server!
What are we looking for?
Anyone who wants to be a part of an immersive mercenary RP group. However, there are no time requirements and you can come and go as you please. We have everything from people who participates quite often to those who doesn't have a lot of time but just want somewhere to go when they do. The Styx Agency have plenty of positions to fill that include, but are not limited to:
IC - Fighters who aren't afraid to earn their gil using their skills.
OOC - Just participate when you can in different events.Support Roles:
IC - Members who take care of our operators after a hard assignment or equip and feed them. Craftsmen are just as essential after all!
OOC - Same as Operators. Just participate when you can in different events.Logistical and Administrator Roles:
IC - Takes care of the ins and outs of assignments, makes shipments depending on whenever or wherever the assignment is.
OOC - Help manage the Discord but also have a hand in setting up Events and such depending on the current storyline.